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Book details
  • SubGenre:Political
  • Language:English
  • Pages:308
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350912210

Sacrifice The Abortion Conspiracy

by Linda Royall PhD

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"Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy" is the true history of Margaret Sanger and her 100 year global population control plan, forged in 1927 for the strategic elimination of what she termed "inferior human material". The story begins in Barcelona Spain in 1912 in the early days of Sanger's worldwide mission for population control and race purification. This book tells the entire story of Margaret Sanger's world travels, her life and work as well as its lasting effect on America and the world. The information in the book was taken directly from Sanger's handwritten journals from 1912 to 1954 as well as her personal datebooks from the same era. Also crucial to the writing of the book was the discovery of a widely banned book "Proceedings of the World Population Conference 1927" which was written and edited by Sanger. After World War II Sanger handed off her manifesto to two others of like mind; industrialist Hugh Moore, organizer and first head of The United Nations, and prominent journalist and New York University professor Lawrence Lader, who also wrote the last and most comprehensive biography of Sanger (1955) in the early 1950's. The author mined Lader's archive of personal papers, which Lader had sealed at the New York Public Library 60 days after abortion was legalized by Roe v. Wade. In all, Dr. Royall collected nearly 20,000 primary research documents from this archive and from the Supreme Court records at the National Archives. Also uncovered is the massive fraud perpetrated by Roe v Wade creator Lader to for the purpose of legalizing abortion via Roe v. Wade. This book reads like a fiction spy novel, yet every word of it is true and based on academic research. "Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy" not only exposes what happened up through 1973, but also what is yet to come if the 1927 100-year plan is actuated. "The Plan", in the words of the author, is now "right on schedule.
"Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy" is the true history of Margaret Sanger and her 100 year global population control plan, forged in 1927 for the purpose of the global exploitation and strategic elimination of what she termed "inferior human material". Her goal was creating a socially engineered world which would be run by an elite group of atheistic eugenicists, one of whom was Adolph Hitler. The story begins in Barcelona Spain in 1912 in the early days of Sanger's worldwide mission for population control and race purification. This book, written in novel form, tells the entire story of Margaret Sanger's world travels, her life and work as well as its lasting effect on America and the world. The information in the book was taken directly from Sanger's handwritten journals from 1912 to 1954 as well as her personal datebooks from the same era. Also mined for information were Sanger's autobiography (1939), the galleys of an unpublished biography by Harold B. Hersey (1939), which Margaret would not allow to be printed. Also crucial to the writing of the book was the discovery of a widely banned book "Proceedings of the World Population Conference 1927" which was written and edited by Sanger. The book is no longer available in the U.S., even at the Library of Congress. The author was able to procure a copy in Europe. It is the tell all the plan to take over procreation of humankind and eliminate the "impure and unfit" from the human species. This plan was formulated in part in lockstep with Adolph Hitler, and his right hand man, German philologist and Nazi politician, Joseph Goebbels. The conference was centered on talks from various German and other European and American scientists and doctors. The conference presenters included many of the facilitators of the Holocaust, some of whom were "Dr. Death" Josef Rudolf Mengele and his collogues. After World War II Sanger handed off her manifesto to two others of like mind; industrialist Hugh Moore, organizer and first head of The United Nations, and prominent journalist and New York University professor Lawrence Lader, who also wrote the last and most comprehensive biography of Sanger (1955) in the early 1950's. Global population control was attained primarily through the efforts of Moore with his UN Population Control Council working in unison with Sanger's IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation). Roe v Wade was masterminded by Sanger's self-confessed disciple, Lader, who found a way to defraud the Supreme Court, making legalized abortion the law of the land in 1973. The author mined Lader's archive of personal papers and those of NARAL, which Lader had sealed at the New York Public Library 60 days after abortion was legalized by Roe v. Wade. Dr. Royall, with the help of her numerous research assistants, collected nearly 20,000 primary research documents from this archive and from the Supreme Court records at the National Archives. She now has a data base of nearly 20,000 primary source documents gleaned from these resources. Also uncovered is the fraud perpetrated by Roe v Wade creator Lader to make abortion the "egregious fraudulent scheme against America and the Constitution" (Supreme Court Justice Roberts, May 2022). The information exposed by this book was given to the attorneys for the Mississippi case "Dobbs v. Jackson". Key elements of this research were responsible for the overturn of Roe v. Wade. This book reads like a fiction spy novel, but every word of it is true and based on academic research. "Sacrifice: The Abortion Conspiracy" not only exposes what happened up through 1973, but also what is yet to come if the 1927 100-year plan is actuated. "The Plan", in the words of the author, is now "right on schedule".
About the author
Dr. Linda Royall holds graduate degrees in media, communication and journalism from Georgetown University and Regent University. As a professor she has taught for universities in Washington, DC, Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona. The research for this book took ten years to complete and the supporting research archive contains more than 20,000 primary source documents. This data reveals the whole truth about Sanger and Roe v Wade as well as the 100-year plan forged by Sanger and many American and European elites . The information contained in this book was used to facilitate the overturn Roe v Wade. Dr. Royall lives and works between her home in Texas and Washington, DC. She is in demand as a speaker and has presented on her academic and socio-political research all over the world. She has testified before Congress and has worked with numerous attorneys in defending individuals and advocating for justice. As an investigative reporter, she has worked in Washington DC since 2005. She is the founder of The Truth Institute and the now defunct UR1 Media Group/UR1TV. Since Roe v Wade was overturned, all her media was taken off the internet and continues to be removed when reposted. She has resorted to writing books as her vehicle for telling America and the world "The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...so help me God!"