"RWH Slow Line: at the Lakehead Harvest Reunion show" tells the story of a little train at a harvest show and why he loves it so much. This story gives insight into the daily routine of the little train as well as some information about the harvest show. Ultimately, the little train is telling his story to encapsulate the joy and wonder of the children so that they can remember those feelings when they are all grown up and too big to ride the train.
Jennifer Robertson lives in Northern Minnesota with her family and pets. She loves being outdoors, driving the RWH Slow Line train, and making children happy. She hopes that this book brings you happiness as well.
Subgenre:Life Stages / Infants & Toddlers
Paperback ISBN:9781667863337
"RWH Slow Line: at the Lakehead Harvest Reunion show" tells the story of a little train at a harvest show and why he loves it so much.
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