A brilliant young scientist Anna Ljudova of the Russian Secret Service – heir to the KGB – comes to Rome, in September 2007, on a secret mission to explore the extensive network of passages beneath Vatican Hill. The key to this elaborate maze lies in the disturbed mind of a former Professor of History of Architecture, Hadrian Fera, who was released from a top security mental institution where he was detained and treated for a ritualistic murder of his red-headed fiancé in the underground shrine. As if walking the streets and catacombs of Rome with a maniac-murderer were not enough for red-headed Anna Ljudova, she accidently disturbs the deadly beehive of the mysterious and powerful Order of the Keepers that for centuries has been striving for dominion over the world. It takes Anna and her cohort on a breath-taking rollercoaster ride into the dark side of modern politics, religions, economics, and the occult.
As the heroes of the novel survive the ultimate physical and spiritual challenge – walking the underground labyrinth from which previously nobody had escaped – they make a discovery of the century and come close to finding the mystery behind the dreadful apocalyptic number – 666 – the number of the Beast. This erudite, lyrical, gripping novel helps its readers to walk through the dark labyrinth of life, to find the light at the end of a tunnel, and to witness – maybe even to experience – a painstaking birth of faith.