"Riddle World" is a creative and witty book that began as an attempt to maintain some degree of sanity while working as a highway flagger. The riddles were created to distract the author and his co-workers from the boredom of their daily tasks. This book does that and more. It invites the reader to think creatively and laugh heartily. Through words and sounds, twists of traditional phrases, and homonyms, the riddles will transport you, the reader, to places of enjoyment and innovation.
These riddles were created for the amusement of children and adults who enjoy flights of fantasy and are easily bored. Comedians and persons with ADD may do especially well solving these conundrums. Those who struggle with depression may find their symptoms alleviated for several hours while visiting the world of riddles.
The questions posited in this masterful book are all solvable and have entertained friends at lunch breaks and get-togethers for several years. The author invites the reader to open this book with the intention of experiencing magic, whimsy, and, just perhaps, extreme hilarity.