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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Fantasy / Contemporary
  • Language:English
  • Pages:174
  • eBook ISBN:9781620951262

Revolt of the Animals

Their Secret Plan to Save the Earth

by David L. Levy

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The animals rise up everywhere -- from Chernobyl to the Gulf Oil Spill -- to save the environment. This illustrated novel is for teenagers on up. It can educate and inform about the animals and what they be.beieve are the terrible things happening to their lives, their food, and the planet's future..
The animals rise up everywhere -- from Chernobyl to the Gulf Oil Spill -- to save the environment. This illustrated novel is for teenagers on up. This novel can educate and inform about the animals and what they believe are the terrible things happening to their lives, their food, and the planet's future. Old Eddie, the wisest pachyderm at the National Zoo, is the hero of this book. Virtually all animals, birds and fish rise to the challenge, but the birds of prey try to thwart Old Eddie and his allies. The birds of prey do not believe the stories about the possible extinction of life on the planet. They believe there will merely be a cornucopia of corpses, on which they can dine until the cows come home.
About the author
David L. Levy, J.D. is a lawyer and book author. I have written several books, but this is the first environmental/fantasy novel. I am concerned about children and animals. I was co-founder and president of the Children's Rights Council (CRC), a national non-profit child advocacy organization in Maryland from 1985-2009. I now do custody consulting nationwide and supervised visitation in the D.C. metro area..