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Book details
  • Genre:ART
  • SubGenre:American / African American & Black
  • Language:English
  • Pages:160
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667827216

Requiem To A White Owl

by Rufus Daigle

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My audience is of dreamers, those that can understand the reasons why. Those that can feel the beauty because of the pain and rise above the shadows of hypocrisy. The ones that know change is needed. The goddess is the one, blamed, abused, bullied the onslaught of male impregnation of division.
A book of love poems focused on he praise to the Goddess to the effervescent beauty of life with metaphors saturated not in just what man has created or labeled but with mine fantasies and creations of what existence means to me. The subliminal sanctity of my work is not blunt force trauma like rap or punk rock but the lines give you the message of evolution is revolution and symmetry of words can only be understood by the enlightened ones that can see beyond the prisms of the crusades the slavery ethic the semantics of the elite the wired minds of the masses. I blend not just the European embossed titles for planets but all cultures are entered into my work as all planets galaxies and even the ones I see that humans have distorted for purposes of greed. It's a spiritual embellishment of beauty I tell. Let it be known.
About the author
Rufus Daigle was born in the segregated south, he began writing poetry at the age of 5, he began painting at the age of 12. He joined the Marine Corp at age 16 and was a tracker in the elite (3rd Force Recon) unit at age 16 to transform himself spiritually by pursuing another path in life. He fought in the Tet offensive in The Battle of Khe Sanh in 1968. His vision to become a great artist was realized from the day of his reckoning as a child. Rufus' work is webbed in his struggle to find self, by being honest with his psyche, evolving with the replenishment and path of the souls eyes. He studied in many schools from SMU in Dallas to Lavonne Valentines Acting academy in San Francisco to Healds Business College for accounting, and also studied acting at U C Berkeley but decided the atmosphere in America for becoming an actor of color did not fit his vision of finding self. A visionary, mystic, painter, novelist ( Felicia's Prince of The Morning Star) and poet with 3 books published. Portrait of Black Dallas,The Mystic Sings, From the Wings of An Angel are the titles. Rufus' work is of the personal struggle between spirit and mankind, it's evolution and how he goes about evolving in the journey of gravity's imprisonment. Rufus was a prisoner of war in 5 countries before being sent to the front line in Khe Sanh, Vietnam. He's dealt with the entrapment and slavery of the psyche by the one power that be. So he praises the maternal denial of men, the Goddess is his focus in his work and changing his focus in daily life to representing in his lifestyle the inclusion of all cultures of all of existence known and unknown. Rufus is also and has always been a farmer, he lives and occupies Rufuspoetscornermarket.com on one of the oldest organic coffee farms in Hawaii, Divinehawaiiancoffee.com. It's a 40 acre sustainability resort on the big island of Hawaii where displays and sells his clothing line, giclees of his paintings, and his books. Rufus is a 100% disabled Vietnam Veteran. He considers the greatest reward in this life was to spend time with those guys during that era. The struggle is the reward.