Vanessa loves to help others indulge and be nourished through the consumption of natural foods. Her book "Pure Food Joy!" is a practical guide on how to shop, prepare and enjoy pure food each day. Healthy bodies, happy faces and a bountiful planet is her motto. Her background and insight in agriculture combined with her talent in the kitchen blooms in her book!
Vanessa has been creating with food her whole life. At the age of 8 she began writing, collecting, sharing and preparing recipes for her family and friends. She strives to help preserve the authentic plant and animal species by supporting the local, sustainable farmers. She has worked in natural foods and at the farmer's market. She enjoys entertaining and gardening. Vanessa's favorite work has been staying home and raising her children.
As a young mother many of her friends would ask for her recipes and tips on how to prepare tasty and nourishing meals for their family. These requests became an inspiration for this book, a guide that helps others to prepare healthy, delicious dishes in a practical and fun way.