About the author
J. M. White
I have explored and written about esoteric and indigenous traditions around the world. I studied at Naropa Institute with William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Harry Smith and Gregory Corso. I have written about the Paleolithic art in the caves of France, as well as travel journals about Tibet, Peru and Mexico. I have explored the ancient ruins of the prehistoric people of the Southwest and have attended the kachina dances at Zuni pueblo. I have compiled and edited the autobiography of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche and have ten books in print, five of prose and five of poetry.
I did graduate study in Phenomenology at Duquesne University and hold an M.A. in philosophy from Vanderbilt. My poems, interviews, essays and book reviews have appeared in Exquisite Corpse, Sewanee Review, Janus Head, Parabola and The Mirror as well as in magazines and journals in Canada, England, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and India. I continue to live in rural Middle Tennessee where I founded Anomolaic Press and publish my own work along with the novels and short stories of William Gay.