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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christianity / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:221
  • eBook ISBN:9780615429120

Proof that Jesus Is God

A Logic-of-Scripture Approach to Documenting the Divinity of Christ

by Art Klein

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A unique breakthrough in proving Jesus' Divinity. Proof that Jesus Is God is a must-read for believers and skeptics alike. For the first time ever, a fascinating and easy-to-understand book connects the logic of God's Word with the logic of human minds. The result? Doubters and nonbelievers blink and think. Believers strengthen their faith and are more able to preach the good news.
For the first time ever, a fascinating and easy-to-understand book connects the logic of God's Word with the logic of human minds. The result? Doubters and nonbelievers blink and think. Believers strengthen their faith and are more able to preach the good news. Other defenses of Christianity quote theologians, historians and scholars. Proof that Jesus Is God quotes the ultimate source, God. It reveals the truth of the Gospels in a truly enjoyable way that inspires readers to feel and say, I finally get it...Jesus IS God! Chapters include: Calling Jesus Names--Drunk, Glutton, Crazy, Blasphemer, Samaritan & Demon-Possessed; Praising the Faith of Sinners, Pagans, the Unclean and the Despised; The Revered Traditions of Men v. the Godly Conmmands of Jesus; Jesus' Promises--More Thorns than Roses in this Life; Heaven--Proof that the Gospel Writers Didn't Invent What Jesus Said About Eternal Life; Jesus' Doubts About Whether People Would Folllow Him; The Apostles, Parts 1 and 2; Jesus' Views on the Importance of Family; Jesus and Women; Asking Us to Be As Perfect As Jesus; Jesus' Mission and Death--The timing Was His, Not the World's' More Proof of Jesus' Divinity; Beyond Reason--My Personal Journey of Faith
About the author
Art Klein is an ordained minister, four times Book of the Month Club author and nationally designated prayer leader for the Reformed Church in America. His first work about Jesus, Spinning Jesus, became an off-Broadway theatrical production, Prophecy of Isaiah.