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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Biblical Studies / New Testament / Jesus, the Gospels & Acts
  • Language:English
  • Pages:188
  • eBook ISBN:9781631926570
  • Paperback ISBN:9781631926563

The Path to Productive Christian Living

by Jerry M Paul

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No message in history compares to the one Jesus Christ gave in this Sermon on the Mount. His words have been described as the Magna Carta of the Christian life and the Christian's manifesto. They are not a dissertation about a system of beliefs or religious ceremonies, but an explanation of what it means to be a true and faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. THE PATH TO PRODUCTIVE CHRISTIAN LIVING unveils the Sermon on the Mount as the Christian's handbook, providing practical guidance for the daily lifestyle of Christ's faithful follower.


Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is the most challenging message ever given. Not a dissertation about a system of beliefs or religious ceremonies, this dynamic explanation of what it means to be a true and faithful follower of Jesus explodes with surprises. Christians discover that it knocks us down, lifts us up, discourages us, encourages us, corrects us, challenges us, guides us, inspires us and makes us take a serious, in-depth look at who we are and the way we live. These words from the Lord Jesus Christ show His devoted followers what kind of persons they need to be at their core. He further explains how, as a committed Christian, to face every situation in life. The result of this spiritual stimulation? Jesus provides unerring guidance for those servants of God who want to walk THE PATH TO PRODUCTIVE CHRISTIAN LIVING. The author shows the complete unity of the Sermon on the Mount as it describes the character and lifestyle of Jesus' disciple. He demonstrates the manner in which the Beatitudes serve as the foundation for the rest of Christ's message, and how that message serves as the foundation for the rest of New Testament teaching. His practical application of the Sermon to everyday life situations provides a guidebook for any believer desiring to travel THE PATH TO PRODUCTIVE CHRISTIAN LIVING.

About the author

Jerry M Paul, now retired from sixty years of full-time ministries, accepted his first call to ministry with a new church in Michigan at the age of eighteen. A later ministry included twenty-five years with a second new-church in Fort Wayne IN. After serving five years as president of a Christian college he returned to Fort Wayne where his final period of full-time ministry was devoted to establishing a third new church. Upon retirement from local church ministries Jerry served as an adjunct instructor at a college devoted solely to preparing Christian ministers. He also expanded his own Capstone Ministries, providing seminars in prayer, leadership training, conflict management, personal spiritual growth, and assisting churches with consulting and interim preaching. 

Book Reviews

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Incredible Work This book is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to Christian living. Mr. Paul does a great job showing what it looks like to live out the beatitudes in the first section. He then goes on to show the lifestyle and attitudes of a productive Christian. He gives guiding principles from the Sermon on the Mount, as well as how to protect our productive Christianity. Finally, he closes by showing the authority of Christ in our lives. What impresses me most is that everything Mr. Paul says in this book is founded and anchored in scripture. This is a must-own book for anyone who wants to be serious about living a productive Christian life. Read more