About the author
A native of New Jersey. Christian mother of two children. Her background is in the Health & Human Services, while contributing approximately 2 years of ABA therapy in the field of Special Education. She is known for beginning her years of service as a teen volunteer at local hospitals in Trenton, NJ as well faith based VBS, food pantries, and a host of other civic associations and contributions that followed.
Her first book title is her best work, apart from being devoted to "home". Understanding that a merit driven life robs the glory God is entitled to, is the best lesson she has learned. A rock bottom experience spurred the wake-up call for COUNSELING, and the struggle to get in front of a provider spurred the content in each page of her first book. Shamarra finally began the process of surrendering what "she had in mind" to allow the current of God's Divine Flow (cc: Rising Ground Church) to move her in the direction of answering the call to an appointed service in life. She has allowed her "need to be her seed". Pre-Counseling Made Easy Vol 1 - 12 is the first title she has sown into the field of Counseling (Deliverance).