Words means things. Yet, there are many industry terms that people are unaware of the meaning. It is said that in order to become fluent in a language, a person should know 5,000 words. While this book does not offer this number, it does offer individuals with at least a conversational knowledge of operational terminology needed for the business professional. This book is an intended to be a reference desk guide for individuals in business, operations, change, project management, supply chain, and other industry efforts.
As corporate trainer, I noticed many individual (who identified as mid-career professionals) appeared confused over common terms used in business today. Terms such as "Leader", "Management", "Supply Chain", or "C-Level" were not widely understood. This is not to say that the people were bad at their job, rather the common business terminology is in fact jargon. What started as a three page write up of common definitions turned into a dictionary for professionals.