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Book details
  • SubGenre:Yoga
  • Language:English
  • Pages:250
  • eBook ISBN:9780989299510

Perceptions of Truth, The Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patañjali

Deciphering the Sacred Code of the Siddha Sages

by Sri Sri Raj Agni Satyapravaha and Steven Schorr

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Perceptions of Truth, The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, Deciphering the Sacred Code of the Siddha Sages, explores a new insight into an ancient teaching. That there is a sacred code hidden within the Yoga Sutras is a novel assertion in the study, translation and commentary on the Yoga Sutras. When the process of 'harmonic resonant alignment' is applied to the translation a very different and compelling message emerges. The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are one of the most important works in the study of Yoga and form the basis of much of what we understand about the precepts of the Yogic path. Sutra, which is usually translated in English as "an aphorism", literally means "a thread". The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are like a rosary in which the beads are the divine truths. Some extraordinary writings contain veiled meaning and coded texts. Implicit within their words and symbols are expressed two or more meanings, one for the casual reader who may happen upon the work and another deeper meaning for those who can decipher the code and interpret the underlying significance. The process applied here looked at each word from the original Devanagri Sanskrit script, transliterated and then translated them into English, according to the perceived intention of the informing spirit, that of Maharishi Patañjali. Through the process of harmonic resonant alignment the meaning of the each word is selected and a higher knowledge combined with reason guides the process of interpretation. With this translation of the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patañjali is presented a deciphering of the underlying meaning of the Sutras based on the perceived intention and meaning conveyed by Patañjali.


Perceptions of Truth, The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali, Deciphering the Sacred Code of the Siddha Sages, explores a new insight into an ancient teaching. That there is a sacred code hidden within the Yoga Sutras is a novel assertion in the study, translation and commentary on the Yoga Sutras. When the process of 'harmonic resonant alignment' is applied to the translation a very different and compelling message emerges. The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are one of the most important works in the study of Yoga and form the basis of much of what we understand about the precepts of the Yogic path. Sutra, which is usually translated in English as "an aphorism", literally means "a thread". The Yoga Sutras of Patañjali are like a rosary in which the beads are the divine truths. Some extraordinary writings contain veiled meaning and coded texts. Implicit within their words and symbols are expressed two or more meanings, one for the casual reader who may happen upon the work and another deeper meaning for those who can decipher the code and interpret the underlying significance. The process applied here looked at each word from the original Devanagri Sanskrit script, transliterated and then translated them into English, according to the perceived intention of the informing spirit, that of Maharishi Patañjali. Through the process of harmonic resonant alignment the meaning of the each word is selected and a higher knowledge combined with reason guides the interpretation. With this translation of the Yoga Sutras of Maharishi Patañjali is presented a deciphering of the underlying meaning of the Sutras based on the perceived intention and meaning conveyed by Patañjali.

About the author

Who I am? Suffice to say that I am a Jiva (individuated consciousness) of some accomplishment. I am integrated with Paramatma/Spirit and a realized thread upon the concordance of ascending consciousness. As to my creative efforts I am an author and publisher, musician and composer, recording artist and engineer, inventor and entrepreneur, painter, energetic healer and teacher. My first book is a visionary fiction novel called "Keeper of Secrets".