Laura has accomplished an amazing feat by introducing the worlds of economics and human resources to each other, in an accessible and engaging manner, that is constantly interesting without being patronising. It is clearly aimed at members of the C-suite and is equally very useful to Masters students from many different disciplines.
This book is:
- comprehensive - it covers the broad sweep of human capital standards
- challenging - it provokes the reader to reconsider long-held paradigms
- relevant - it includes the current debates about the future of work in the light of the COVID pandemic
- grounded - it provides a range of organisational case-studies and interviews with senior practitioners
- supported - it contains considerable current research
- helpful - it offers a huge array of metrics for the benefit of the busy HR director wanting to shift towards evidence-based HR transformation
In short, this book is ..... the one I wish I had written!
David Simmonds, Chairman, HCM METRICS
The world's first and original Lead Auditor for ISO 30414 - HR Reporting