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Book details
  • SubGenre:Training
  • Language:English
  • Pages:288
  • eBook ISBN:9798350931266
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350931259

Pattern Breaks

A Facilitator's Guide to Cultivating Creativity

by Michelle James

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Pattern Breaks is a handbook for navigating the world of creative facilitation. It is for facilitators, trainers, educators, group leaders, and anyone who would like to bring more creativity out of their groups and out of themselves. It provides food for both thought and action. This book is an invitation to expand your creative facilitation as you expand your creative self.

Pattern Breaks is a handbook for navigating the world of creative facilitation. It is for facilitators, trainers, educators, group leaders, and anyone who would like to bring more creativity out of their groups and out of themselves. It provides food for both thought and action. If you would like to cultivate creativity and aliveness in your design and facilitation, this book can help you: • Bring more enthusiasm and ingenuity out of participants • Become a more adaptive, improvisational, and resilient facilitator • Gain confidence and ease in navigating challenges, resistance, and the unexpected that comes with the creative process • Actualize your unique creativity for impactful and meaningful design • Establish environments receptive to novelty and transformation • Bring more fun and lightness into facilitating serious topics • Get buy-in from clients for nontraditional approaches • Cultivate conditions for emergence and co-creation • Generate life-giving outcomes that serve the good of the whole • And more Pattern Breaks explores both ways of being and ways of doing. From concepts to mindsets to practical applications and more, this book provides a rich trove of ideas, principles, and practices, along with an abundance of activities, to apply before, during, and after your workshop or event. It focuses on two levels at the same time—you as a facilitator of creative process, and you as a creative individual. Michelle James has combined over two decades of learnings, experiences, and insights as a facilitator and coach of creative process for thousands of participants—in corporations, nonprofits, government agencies, universities, and communities of practice—to distill what she discovered into relevant and accessible wisdom. This book is an invitation to expand your creative facilitation as you expand your creative self.
About the author
Michelle James is a seasoned applied creativity facilitator, coach, and catalyst who has been using creative principles and practices, and the process of emergence, as the basis for her work with thousands of people—corporations, nonprofits, government agencies, universities, and communities—for over two decades. Known for her original and richly textured dynamic and imaginative learning environments, Michelle presents at learning and creativity events internationally, and has been featured on television, podcasts, and in other media. She has worked with a diverse array of clients including Microsoft, PepsiCo, PBS, Federal Executive Institute, Panasonic, GEICO, Domino's, the World Bank, Clean Air Institute, John Deere, National Institutes of Health, Congressional Hunger Center, Teach for America, and Invest Northern Ireland among others. 
Michelle also works with passion-centered entrepreneurs in her Creative Emergence Coaching and Creative Facilitation Coaching practices to help them create their original offerings and programs. She founded the Capitol Creativity Network in DC, and produced two Creativity in Business Conferences and a Creativity in Business Telesummit with an accompanying eBook she curated, Navigating the New Work Paradigm. Michelle performed full-length improvised plays with Precipice Improv for ten years, and currently performs with Virginia Playback Theater. She is an abstract painting artist, CoreSomatics™ Movement and Bodywork Master Practitioner, and TEDx speaker. 

 Connect with Michelle at www.creativeemergence.com and creativeemergencecoaching.com.