In this book a wide variety of paths to recovery are shared and celebrated. These are the stories of a diversity of people – Aboriginal, Roman Catholic, Buddhist, Jewish, Hindu, Atheist, and many more – who've been there and share their experience, strength and hope. There are some forty stories in Pathways to Spirituality and each story is unique, genuine and a true inspiration.
“The ‘God question’ has often presented a challenge to newcomers to 12-step recovery. Program literature makes it clear that the road to a spiritual awakening is a broad one, yet this essential truth can somehow get lost in translation. This volume reflects the experience of our writers: that spirituality can be experienced in any number of different ways.” – From the Introduction by Dale H.
“You have a right to recovery. You have a right to achieve recovery anyway you can. There are numerous paths to recovery and there are numerous paths to spirituality. For many, spirituality is a major source and part of their recovery. You also have the right to define spirituality anyway you want.” – From the Foreword by Dr. Robert J. Ackerman.