This edition of Te Paipera Tapu (The Holy Bible in Māori) has been fully reformatted for today's Māori language reader. The updates to Te Paipera Tapu are the most significant in 60 years.
New features include:
• Macrons to indicate vowel length
• Revised punctuation and the addition of speech marks
• Inclusion of section headings and paragraphing
The 2012 edition is available in three formats: hardcover, softcover and digital eBook format.
The eBook edition of the Māori Reformatted Bible includes the exact text of the 1952 Paipera Tapu and is available in both EPUB and MOBI formats.
Bible Society New Zealand gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Te Pihopitanga o Aotearoa, Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori and many others, including countless volunteers, who have made the new 2012 Reformatted Edition possible.