Outmaneuver Cancer offers fascinating insights into the field of integrative cancer treatment from the viewpoint of a practicing physician in the field, Dr. Robert A. Eslinger. He is certified in Family Practice, Osteopathic Manipulation, and a Fellow of the AAIM – American Association of Integrative Medicine. He’s also a Founding Member of the IOICP – International Organization of Integrative Cancer Physicians. He specializes in cancer and chronic disease, and is referred to as an integrative cancer doctor. He is currently licensed to practice medicine in California, Idaho and Nevada, and is the owner and Medical Director of Reno Integrative Medical Center (RIMC) in Reno, Nevada. His present focus is on a specialty in the field known as Biological Medicine, which combines classical treatments with modern science and technology. This book contains information on cutting edge integrative therapies, the benefits of a Ketogenic Diet, and a wealth of helpful information and resources for patients as well as caregivers. If you're willing to believe that no type or stage of cancer is hopeless, no matter what other medical practitioners may have told you, read this book. It will instill a new sense of optimism while offering sound, scientific evidence that integrative cancer treatment works!