"Out of the Shadows" takes the reader on a hero's journey into the depths of a woman's life as she was conditioned and sexually violated by a Roman Catholic priest during her most formidable years. The book lays out the aftermath and the events that followed living through the abuse and trauma. This includes details on the attempt at justice within the local judicial system, and the emotional events surrounding the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report related to clerical pedophilia.
The true focus of this book is to share the healing process post-trauma and the modalities utilized for healing the body, mind, and spirit. When you embrace the warrior spirit, you allow shadows to be looked at, shed and released, giving allowance to something greater than can be imagined. You become empowered to be the master of your own life.
Whether you have lived through traumatic life events that have stopped you in your shoes or a have someone that you care about who is dealing with struggle and trauma, this book serves to help you find answers and offer moments of clarity.
We can be shaped and defined by our life events, but we do have a choice to be free of the baggage that we have picked up along the way. Hopefully, this book will assist you in finding your roadmap back to you, your authentic soul self.