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Book details
  • SubGenre:Music
  • Language:English
  • Pages:596
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667860794

Our Life, Legacy & Baja-Nuestra Vida, Legado y Castillo

by Isaac Barcelona

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Highlights of An Amazing Life's Journey through Music, Family, World Travels and Community and The Best Place To Retire If You're Not Wealthy!
Highlights of An Amazing Life and Careers and Journey through Music, Love of God, Country, Family, World Travels, Community and Discovering and Exploring The Best Place To Retire Without Being Wealthy!
About the author
Isaac G.D. Barcelona c-661-810-1438 igdbarcelona@gmail.com AUTHOR: "Perfectly Imperfect" (This Could Be You); "Barcelona Bandits ARMADA…Champions & Friends Forever"; "Songs For The Gypsy/Canciones Para El Gitano"; "Our Life, Legacy & Baja" (Nuestra Vida, Legado y Castillo Barcelona Castle); "Imperfectly Perfect" (The Polemic & Wisdom of Isaac Barcelona); "Imperfectamente Perfecto" (La Polemica y Sabiduria de I Barcelona). All 6 Books Available At: store.bookbaby.com Professional Musician/Singer-Songwriter/Producer/Actor, Inducted Into Mexico's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2011; Congressional District Liaison Officer, U.S. Representative Steve Knight, 25th Congressional District 2015-2018; District Director for CA State Senator Steve Knight, 21st SD 2012-2014; District Director for CA Assemblyman Steve Knight, 36th AD 2008-2012; L.A. County Commissioner/Chairman & Chair Emeritus, L.A. County Citizens Economy & Efficiency Commission 2001-2018; President Emeritus/Founder-Award-Winning AV Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1997-2022; President/CEO Palmdale Chamber of Commerce 2003-2006; President of PROz (Public Relations Officers) of AV 2003-2004; "Shaping The Future" Television & Radio Program Host, Adelphia & High Desert Broadcasting 1999-2003; PIO & Director of Public Relations/District Translator, Palmdale School District 1991-2003; Opinion Columnist, AV Press, La Voz Latina, 7 Dias, La Gaceta, La Prensa, El Sol Del Desierto 1995-2022; Chairman, Bond Citizens Oversight Committees, Lancaster & Westside School Districts 2014-2016; Co-Owner/Shareholder: Welcome Home Property Management Corp. 2018-2022 • Invited to fly on NASA's S.O.F.I.A. (Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy) Mission Fl-162 4/21&22/2014 - About Objective: A Consultant, Public Relations or Governmental position, utilizing my expert bilingual skills. Experienced CEO & Director of Public Relations for 4th largest school district in CA. Elected & Appointed Public Official, 18 years; Marketing Expert; President/CEO For Non-Profit Organizations, 18 yrs. experience. Chamber of Commerce Founder, President & Director; Leadership, Management, Media & Public Relations, 36 years. Musician/Entertainer 56+ years: Inducted into Mexico's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Friday, April 29, 2011 & featured recording artist on "Legends of Tijuana" CD! Opinion Columnist - English & Spanish, 33 years. English & Spanish Radio and Television Program Host, 18 years expertise. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: I have extensive life-career experience in diverse areas that I can bring for the benefit of any organization or project. I am discreet, loyal, trustworthy and always ready for the next challenge and adventure. PERSONAL: Married to Shawny M. Barcelona; 7 children, 15 grandchildren & 8 Great-Grand. Experience • Congressional District Liaison Officer – District Director U.S. Representative, Congressman Steve Knight CA25 Nov 2014 – Dec 2018 (In-Charge of U.S. Military Academy Appointments & Immigration) CA State Senator Steve Knight, 21st SD Dec 2012 – 2013 Antelope, Victor & Santa Clarita Valleys 2012-13 21st Senate District Director & 36th Assembly District Director & Sr. Field Representative 2008-2012 CA State Legislature & Senator-Assemblyman Steve Knight December 2008 thru 2013; Work with, manage & supervise 7-person staff; Constituent Assistance; Media Communications; Gov. Issues; et al. • PIO/Public Relations Director Palmdale School District 1991 – 2003 (12 years) District Spokesman for the fourth largest K-8 elementary school district in California; Worked directly with Superintendent & Media; District Translator, Spanish, Medical Records for Special Education; Managed all school public relations and information materials & served as Editor of all major publications, including the Quarterly Publication "Shaping The Future"; Problem solver for situations at school sites, with employees, parents or students; Helped superintendent prepare bond packets; Bond Credit Rating packets – wrote editorial content, fact sheets, cover letters, etc. • Wrote, Created & Trademarked "L.A., So Much To Say!/Orale Los Angeles" Concept… Entertainer/Musician 2011 Mexico R&R Hall Of Fame Inductee for Music Career 1966 – 2022 (56+ years) Toured and performed as an actor, entertainer, musician (Local 47), writer, singer and producer for 33+ years throughout the United States, Canada & Mexico; worked with many celebrities and world-class stars. Recorded with Phil O'Kelsey/Devin Payne on 5 Masters (This Time, Above Suspicion, Steal Away, Breaking Down The Walls, Radio Tokyo), Toto's Steve Lukather, Player's Steve Kipner, EW&F's Roland Bautista, and Randy Bishop with Producers Spencer Proffer (Quiet Riot) at Pasha Recording Studios and Gabriel Katona. Worked with Earth, Wind & Fire's Al McKay on Clingers (Debra & Melody) project. Recorded with Producer Jose Quintana (Mana, Amanda Miguel) on different projects. Wrote for and worked with Producer Jose Silva (Anacani) at Welk Music Group. Staff songwriter for Peer-Southern International with Sra. Catalina Schindler. Alfredo Oviedo recorded my Castillo Para Dos song and Raulito de Alba recorded La Tarea as well. Took 2nd Place to Yari More in the Oti Festival with Que Viva La Vida, Que Viva El Amor on Canal 34, Los Angeles. Recorded album and wrote 3 songs (Mala Mujer, La Botella & La Ultima Vez) for Rika y Sus Piratas Album with Ricardo Ochoa & Kenny Aviles, released by Ariola/Pronto Records in 1979. Recorded, wrote and released 1st '45 single (Espejo de Amor & side B Amandote Amada, CA Song Of The Year) on LAMAR Records in 1979 with Orlando Bru Discolando Productions and got lots of airplay across the U.S. with my Barcelona group. A child superstar in Spain by the name of NURIA recorded one of Barcelona's songs entitled "La Tarea", released in 1979 (Peer-Southern International Publishing – Catalina Schindler). Co-wrote and recorded "Lupe, El Emigrante" with Mike Himelstein. Co-wrote and recorded "Ayudemos" with Lana Wood, and sang it with Tata Vega, Yari More, Lalila, Cruz Sembello, at Kenny Rogers' Lion's Share Recording Studios in Hollywood. Performed it on Mexico Estamos Contigo Telethon for Mexican Earthquake victims in 1985. Co-wrote and recorded Pray, Even Money, You Won't Let Me, Surrender Pretender, My Pride, Long Long Time, Love The Healer/Always and others with Alfredo Rubalcava (Tierra, Gerardo, Rico Suave) along with Leon Bisqueira, Andrew Dworkin, et al. Recorded Hands Across America as part of Voices of America with TOTO, Hum Gatica, Robert Lamm & Bill Champlin (CHICAGO) & Eric McClure at Capitol Records Studios in Hollywood! Recorded my album Sera Mi Edad/Could Be My Age in 1980's with Jay Stewart, Hal Melia, Betuco, Rudy "Bub" Villa & Joey Guerra/TIERRA, Bill Mason (Dave Mason Group), & others. Inducted into Mexico's Rock & Roll Hall of Fame on Friday, April 29, 2011 by Arturo Lara Lozano (Agustin Lara's grandson) & Arturo Arrizon & featured recording artist (Lo Mucho Que Te Quiero) with Tavo Valdez, Esquizo, Polo, Muerto on "Legends of Tijuana" CD!