Every devoted gardener knows that the year doesn't begin with planting and end with harvest. Each week of the year holds some special quality as we plan, dream, read, cook, notice changes in the angle of light and day length and hope that this year will be our best one yet. These essays document those changes throughout a 12-month period from the first cold, wet days of March 2020 through planting, dealing with weeds, bugs, worms and diseases, with joyful successes, delicious wild harvests, discouraging failures and, ultimately, a bounty of food and flowers. The book takes us full circle through butchering day, a giant snow storm, emerald ash borers, gardening book reviews and back around to the coming of spring, with seasonal recipes from chef Helen McIntosh peppered throughout. The White McIntosh family carries on a 4 generation interest in horticulture, natural systems and food.