This book pulls the pants down on religion. “Oh How Great the Delusion” is one of those books that has the potential to change the world. To help liberate the people from the shackles and chains of religion by pointing out in a most clear, irrefutable way, the nonsense religious believers devote their lives to. RayJoe, a former Christian, simply exposes religion for the delusion it is. We all know one can make a case in an effort to debunk religion by using philosophical, scientific and historical arguments; or one could point out the many obvious contradictions, errors and false prophecies in the bible to prove it is strictly a product of men. But it is even easier than going through all that to see we have been deluded by religion. RayJoe points out elementary examples such as when sick children of religious parents die because they believed entirely in Jesus to heal rather than a real physician. A tragedy such as this should cause sensible, thinking people to discard the religion as false, and thus leave it. When gay teens commit suicide because their devout fanatical parents insist they change or be tossed in a hell, then you can throw your religion in the trash can, not your children. When religions claim they have the absolute truth and bring about division, discord, strife and death because of it then we as a human race have got to stop this insanity of religion. When disasters and tragedy strike the devout believers and their churches get wiped out by earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. then they should come out from their delusion that their god blesses them, protects them and their loved ones, their property and places of worship. It is not true. They are simply deceived by scriptures and should not mistake any good luck, or comfortable living for answered prayer or blessings. The evidence is overwhelmingly contrary to that.
One of the big highlights of this book is “The Letter to the Religionians.” It is written in the style of the bible and is an incredibly, honest, heartfelt, bold, shocking and truthful message to the churches, believers everywhere, to clergy etc. With this single letter the world could be saved from the nonsense of religion. A letter of rebuke that will surely make the religious folks blood boil because they know it’s simply true what is being said.
You will also find in this book, a multitude of quotes that help drive home the point that religion is a delusion. There are more than 200 qoutations from numerous great thinkers from times past and who know religion for what it is: an utter lie and the biggest hoax ever perpetrated upon mankind. After reading these many quotes one cannot help but see religion with its “pants pulled down,” and exposed for all to see the silliness, and insanity men have been lead to believe and how those false beliefs have affected society in negative ways. This book will help you to treasure reality, common sense, reason, logic, rationality, science and observation. RayJoe implores people to think for themselves, be free from the iron grip of religion. To know that religion is unnatural, man-made and designed to control the masses by instilling people with fear and guilt. Driven by selfishness, greed and power, this religious virus can infect anyone at any age. But they like to get you brainwashed when you are young or vulnerable and at low points in your life. But, changes are coming in the way humanity looks at religion and this book is truly a think bomb to help blow apart the delusion of religion that plagues mankind. To dismantle it in an elementary, common sense fashion that even kids can understand is what we need and this is it. The thinker will treasure this book as much as the non-thinker treasures their Bible or Koran.