"Ocean Eternal" is a touching tale of love, forgiveness, and self-discovery set in the quaint seaside town of Loon Cove. After a three-year hiatus, Maggie Maguire finds herself compelled to return home to be with her ailing father. Yet, coming home means facing a past she's long evaded, one that involves a heartbroken lover and a proposal she ran away from. What led her to reject Ryan, the man who loved her dearly? Can she confront her past, her sister's open arms, Ryan's uncertain reaction, and the mysterious dark-haired woman always at his side? As she strives to reconcile with her father and find forgiveness, Maggie finds herself graced with unexpected blessings from her family, Ryan, and her faith. "Ocean Eternal" is a poignant journey about uncovering the hidden depths of the human heart, offering readers a rich tapestry of emotions and life-altering revelations.