Everything in the book is exactly what my wife and I are currently doing to retire. It is not theory, or guess work, it is our experience in buying very cheap (slumlord) type single family residential properties, doing a quick make ready and renting them to lower income families. The intent of this book is to show others exactly what we have done to prepare for retirement since we lost what little we had in the stock market and recently lost approximately 40% of our 401K, and we bought our home a little late in life to reap any real rewards from the equity. The book is short on purpose as I don’t think it takes a 2”-3” thick 1000 page book to show what we’ve been able to do. I hope to skip as much fluff, as possible just to fill pages. I will discuss in detail with step by step instructions for each property we own and rent. We began with a $20,000, 2 bedroom/2 bath, pier & beam house and now have approximately $900,000 in rental properties. The words of the book are my plain, straightforward sometime Texas vernacular descriptions. There is nothing in here you can’t do if you will only take the first step and just start.