About the author
Gregory Hewitt was raised just off the coast of North Carolina. Having played music from an early age until his mid-thirties, the adage of him being a jack-of-all-trades would be an understatement. After attending classes in the 80's, he began his work as a CAD layout and design person for the next twenty-two years.
Gregory has enjoyed reading Science Fiction since an early age, and now follows many science related sites on the Net. He's also written two other published books and several other non-published essays, while dabbling in photography, clay sculpting, ceramics, and acrylics. With more time to write after his retirement, it now feels natural for him to sit in front of a keyboard and bang out some of the thoughts and humor that have kept him going throughout his adult life.
***Update: Having had a stroke in 2019, it's taken a while for Gregory to recover from his own tragedy. Now able to live life close to what he once did, he has worked hard to finish this third book, which is a set of fun short stories. These stories include sci-fi and fantasy, as well as a touch of mystery and horror. He hopes you will enjoy them. Be sure to keep a look out for his fourth book of short stories, coming soon!