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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Nascentian Chronicles
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:466
  • eBook ISBN:9781483522500


The First of the Nascentian Chronicles

by David J. Eden

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What if there was a world where every bedtime story ever told to any child by any parent in all the history of all the cultures of the world...was real? What would it be like if they all lived together? In a world ruled by Father Time and the Bogeyman? Come to Nascentia, and enter in by the gateways we see every day as mirages.


What if every bedtime story ever told to any child by any parent in all the history of all the cultures of the world...was real? What if there was another world, parallel to ours where all these stories thrive? A world where the veil between our world and theirs is thin, and easy to slip through? Exactly one year after his 19 birthday, Kellen T. Samuelsson finds himself on the green trails of Grouse Mountain where he runs into a beautiful and mysterious young woman who calls herself 'Mirage' and changes his life forever. In an epic new tale of adventure, fantasy, myth, and love, young Kellen is whisked away to a new world, her world. The world Mirage calls home is very different from ours. But the fate of our two worlds are intertwined. All of our futures rest in Kel's hands, as he battles to preserve the delicate balance in Nascentia with Mirage at his side. In the world of Nascentia, readers will discover their imaginary friends and get courage and help from their favorite heroes. Nascentia is home to the characters of myth and legend from all over the world, from every culture, from the mind of every child. The world of Nascentia is constantly changing. Old stories die, while others live on, and more are yet born. Their very existence depends on humanity's belief...a delicate balance of faith and knowledge. Do you believe? Experience the beginning of a Saga unlike any other...yet more familiar than you think. Reviews from readers: "Worth every minute of your time...you will come to realize a little more fully the importance of storytelling and the beauty of childhood imagination." -M.Wilfley "...inspiring, and it's depth and plot intrigues and demands respect." -K.Plett "Be prepared to get lost in this entrancing book!" -S.Davy

About the author

From a very young age, new Author, David J. Eden has been involved in storytelling. As a young child, he and his best friend would doodle and draw, creating random characters and creatures, most of which were intended for Capcom's 'Megaman' videogame series. As he grew, Eden aspired to be a Songwriter, writing close to 100 various poems and lyrics. Poetry took a standstill on the back burner, and Eden began various writing projects that were never fully completed, ranging from Star Wars fanfics, to various short stories. After leaving his home city of Vancouver, BC to spend 2 years in Pittsburgh, PA, Eden found himself back home and attending Vancouver Film School. Studying animation, and taking a knack for directing and film-theory, he gained a real thirst for storytelling. 6 Months out of VFS, Eden ended up as an artist on the Television series "Class of the Titans" which aired on Teletoon for 2 seasons. This is where he gained the seeds of inspiration that would eventually become "The Nascentian Chronicles". This education and experience in the Film Industry has often been the thorn in the side of family and friends as Eden is known to "pick apart a TV show or movie like a bad critic." "I do tend to annoy people with it." He says, "I have a hard time keeping my opinions and excitement to myself, and it doesn't take much for me to memorize a complete movie in 2 viewings or less." To this day, he still has Disney's 'Aladdin' memorized, "including every nuance, voice and musical annotation...drives my mother nuts." he says with a chuckle. His passion is now writing, but resorts to more...traditional methods. "I have to write everything out by hand first," he says, "there is no real flow of creativity otherwise. Something about the feel of an old-school fountain pen on rough pages is just soothing and allows things to just flow. Must be from my training as a Classical Animator." Aside from the Nascentian Chronicles, which are planned to number 5 in the series, as well as a 20-part mini-series, Eden has a number of other novels "on the back burner" and ready to go when The Nascentian Chronicles run dry. A music aficionado, (being a French Horn player and 3rd Generation Trumpet player) Eden has been to many various live performances, ranging from Broadway to Punk-Rock, his favourite of which is the Goth-Rock band, Evanescence. Aside from Music, Movies and Writing, Eden likes to spend his time Surfing in the summers and skiing in the winters, as well as wrestling with his 2 year old Chocolate Lab, Sierra.