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Book details
  • SubGenre:Healthy Living
  • Language:English
  • Pages:260
  • eBook ISBN:9780989452939

Naked Calories

Maximize Weight Loss, Prevent Disease and Live Your Optimal Life

by Jayson Calton and Mira Calton

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Naked Calories reveals the naked truth about what you are eating and how your lifestyle habits may unknowingly be sabotaging your health. The secret lies in micronutrients, vitamins and minerals that are being stripped from your diet and depleted by your lifestyle. This updated version includes new research on diet trends, research on how many of today's foods and cleaning supplies contain toxin ingredients that can burden the body by further depleting essential micronutrients and a detailed 3-step plan to achieving weight loss, preventing disease and enhancing health through micronutrient (vitamin, mineral and fatty acid) sufficiency.
In this new version of Naked Calories you will learn: ⦁ A detailed 3-step plan to achieving weight loss, preventing disease and enhancing health through micronutrient (vitamin, mineral and fatty acid) sufficiency. ⦁ This version includes updated research on whether the extremely popular Paleo and Primal diets can deliver the minimum recommended daily intake of the essential vitamins and minerals.  ⦁ Now in full color, high gloss pages that make the science and stories burst of the page similarly to popular magazines. ⦁ Naked calories now lists the Caltons own Fab 14 and Terrible Twenty list. This shopping guide helps consumers save money on produce while steering them clear of pesticides and GMOs. ⦁ Now includes research on how many of today's foods and cleaning supplies contain toxin ingredients that can burden the body by further depleting essential micronutrients. This new text researches how to prevent toxic load through the use proper supplementation. ⦁ Naked calories discuss the Caltons reinvention of the multivitamin that reversed Mira Caltons advanced osteoporosis. ⦁ An updated micronutrient sufficiency quiz ⦁ The new foreword is by Diane Sanfillipo, New York Times bestselling author of Practical Paleo.
About the author
Mira Calton, CN, FAAIM, DCCN, CPFC, BCIH is a Licensed Certified Nutritionist, a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, a Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition, a Certified Personal Fitness Chef and is Board Certified in Integrative Health. She holds a Diploma in Comprehensive Nutrition from Huntington College of Health Sciences, has completed the Yale University School of Medicine's OWCH (Online Weight Management Counseling for Healthcare Providers) program, and currently sits on the American Board of Integrative Health. Mira's interest in nutrition came after having been diagnosed at the age of thirty with advanced osteoporosis. Working with her husband Dr. Jayson Calton to become micronutrient sufficient Mira reversed her condition, they now work together to inspire others to do the same. Jayson B. Calton, PhD, FAAIM, DCCN, CISSN, BCIH, ROHP is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine, a Diplomate of the College of Clinical Nutrition, and is Board Certified in Integrative Health and Sports Nutrition. He has worked with thousands of international clients over the last 20 years to improve their health through his unique nutritional and lifestyle therapies. Dr. Calton majored in Molecular and Microbiology (pre-med), at the Burnett Honors College, School of Biomedical Sciences and holds a Masters of Science degree and a Ph.D. in Nutrition. He has completed post-doctoral continuing medical education at Harvard Medical School, Cornell University, and Yale University School of Medicine, and sits on the Board of Directors for the American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) and the American Board of Integrative Health (ABIH).