Rather than just tell you what the book's about - why don't we show you?! Please enjoy this section from "How to Use This Book" found in the introduction of "My Social Justice Dictionary."
The brilliant professor, racial justice advocate, feminist, and social activist bell hooks (who made the radical choice to not capitalize her name) says, "The world would be a paradise of peace and justice if global citizens shared a common definition of love which would guide our thoughts and action." When leading Camp Equity, we realized that there are so many powerful books in this world to read, thought leaders to follow, and movements to be a part of, but that not a lot of the language out there is written for kids your age. Because many of you may not have activists in your family or at your school, we wanted to give you these "common definitions" from which you could explore social justice works.
So, what is actually in this book?!
We want to be honest with you: It was HARD to pick which words to include in this dictionary! But we put our heads together and decided to focus on five main ideas:
- CHAPTER ONE: Foundations for Justice
- CHAPTER TWO: Understanding Racism
- CHAPTER THREE: Our Bodies, Minds, and Hearts
- CHAPTER FOUR: The Power of Money
- CHAPTER FIVE: Protecting the Planet and Her People
Each chapter includes between ten and thirty words, each of which has a definition and a “going further” invitation for further study. These “going further” pieces may ask you to:
- THINK ABOUT how the word relates to your own life.
- Encourage you to LEARN something new about how the concept shows up in the world today.
- Help you DISCOVER other books to read, movies to watch, or information to know about.
We want to leave you with this quote from South African human rights activist and Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu:
"We are made for goodness. We are made for love. We are made for friendliness. We are made for togetherness. We are made for all of the beautiful things that you and I know. We are made to tell the world that there are no outsiders. All are welcome: black, white, red, yellow, rich, poor, educated, not educated, male, female, gay, straight, all, all, all. We all belong to this family, this human family."
Now that you’re here, you are a part of the family of humans dreaming for that better world. And we are so honored to be a part of your spectacular journey.