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Book details
  • SubGenre:Animals / Birds
  • Age Range (years):3 - 5
  • Language:English
  • Pages:32
  • Hardcover ISBN:9781098386696

My Friend Swoop

by Tim Bernard

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While doing a carpenter repair, I became a mother to some baby birds! This is a story about a heart felt journey of 3 orphan birds. In over my head. I am their only chance of survival! I am proud to say this story has a happy ending!
I became a mother to some baby birds.This is a story about a heart felt journey of 3 orphan baby birds.
About the author
I am 58 years old. I was born in northern Maine. Raised in a logging family.I work as a builder. I love working with my hands. Its nice to know that I had a big part in building a lot of dream homes all over New England. Growing up I was into extreme sports. snowmobiles, skiing, snowboarding, moto-x skydiving, kite boarding and RC Airplanes. If it went fast,I liked it! Once I got into something I always gave it 150 percent. Finished my pro moto-x career at 27. At that time I could run with the top 20 riders at a National Event. That's when I started skydiving. I still Jump to this day! Thru my sponsorships, I have appeared in multiple Skydiving magazines. I have appeared on numerous TV shows with some of my skydiving stunts. In 1999 I competed in the last Sky surf X-Games. I was ranked in the top 10 in the world. I was rank #2 in the United States.Took the silver medal at the U.S. Nationals of mens pro sky surf. I have tons of stories to tell! I have some many of my friends telling me" I need to write this stuff down" Which, brings us to this pointing time. Its time I get into writing 150%, so I can give you some amazing stories! My Friend Swoop, Is one of them.