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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Mystery & Detective / Hard-Boiled
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Bobby Turner Mystery Series
  • Series Number:5
  • Pages:251
  • eBook ISBN:9781626757776

Music takes a Death Ride


by John Campo

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Bobby Turner mystery series continues in this episode as the here and now is looking somewhat tarnished. Mr. Turner is followed by the errant murder victim as he turns elder statesman in a world moving too fast to catch up with itself. Music, the worlds and his own, has lost its interactive humanistic collaboration and has been reduces to an afterthought in cyberspace. Words such as - underrated, urban, hip-hop are used to describe segregated worlds known only to people that have too many options for communication and a dwindling vocabulary to use those options. Bobby's musical savvy still saves the day in this book where worlds meet in dark back stage alleys around the country. A mysterious spirit still follows close behind although Turner never knows for what reason, outside of interpreting his burning desire to prove himself by following his dreams regardless of what others think. In the end Bobby tries to keep a sense of humor in the face of a fate not created by him but one he must act upon.
We have watched Bobby Turner mature over the years. Although he has stayed true to his art and remained a loyal friend ready to back up the ones that called themselves his friend. He is still haunted by the fact that his struggle has remained a tough one more riddled with hard times then successful limo rides to white house receptions. He has worked hard at his craft, watched his peers be successful and pass away. Their legends have been interpreted by the next generation not in fact as Bobby lived it but by untruth. He grows tired.... and doesn't see a world that lives in fact but fantasy. It is a deadly monkey see monkey do lottery game that we live in and anyone that invests time proving it not to be such, is stands a chance to be its next victim.
About the author
Has 4 books out in a Bobby Turner Mystery series - On good days it just bounces off - Missing Tiger - Things Dreams are Made of - Invitation. Has been a journalist for several cycling publications and has been interviewed and published in the NYtimes, Daily News, among others. Including interviews and TV spots. Has been a musician and song writer and arranger & teacher for over 55 years http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pYoXnYoD0U He has worked with many notable Country , Blues , Jazz , Rock , Folk , artists. Is currently playing solo and duo engagements around the world.