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Book details
  • SubGenre:Stories in Verse
  • Age Range (years):9 - 12
  • Language:English
  • Pages:36
  • Paperback ISBN:9781543954760

Morris, Somewhere Out There

by Penny Walde and Debra O'Neil

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Morris, the fun-loving lamb disregards all rules and warnings of danger and finds a place where he escapes from the safety of the pen. Looking for greener grass, Morris puts himself in a dangerous place, where Flow (wolf spelled backwards) is waiting to snatch the carefree lamb. The good Shepherd, Norm risks all to rescue this lost little sheep.
Morris, the fun-loving lamb, believes life is more exciting outside the pen. He disregards the rules that Norm, the shepherd presents to the herd that morning. Morris also ignores all the warnings from Norm, his sheep friends and his new found companion, Bo Peep. Finding a place where the fence post has fallen down, Morris jumps over the broken fence and escapes the safety of the pen to find what he thinks is greener grass. Morris is totally unaware of the dangers and he ignores surroundings to satisfy his own wishes. The wolf, whose name is Flow (wolf spelled backwards), lurks around the fence line of the pen and is ready to snatch this carefree lamb. Thankfully the good Shepherd is always guarding his sheep and is mindful of where they are at all times. Norm the shepherd, our hero in the story, is willing to do what is needed to rescue his beloved sheep, Morris. What a glorious day it is when Morris is brought back safely to the pen and the herd. Hopefully Morris has learned a valuable lesson about listening and following rules.
About the author
Penny Walde grew up in the Midwest, but after marriage, she and her husband Joel moved and have lived in rural Montana 25 years. Penny has a Bachelor's degree in Art Education and Health and Human Performance and a Master of Arts Degree in the area of Christian Education. She is a long time artist and has worked in several mediums, the most recent and most favorite being block printing. Penny has worked in elementary education, teaching art and special education. She has also worked as the director the local Arts Council and the director of Road Scholar programs managed out of the University of Montana Western. Penny has 3 adult children. Her daughter is a graphic design artist with 2 beautiful children. Her middle son is married and is a children's pastor and her youngest son is a carpenter. Penny loves being creative and being outside and active.