More Grace invites you into the lives of prominent millennial's who may have you questioning the sufficiency of God's grace.
We know that no one walking the earth is perfect, but there is something extremely special and almost too perfect about Bishop Aaron and Lady Grace Holcomb. The two become best friends, marry young and are CEO's of one of the nation's largest churches and development enterprises in the nation.
From the outside looking in, all seems well, but there is an inexcusable issue they attempt to cover up while conducting business as usual; but the Grace of God is sufficient to carry them through their difficult season.
Wherever there is an absence of grace, it will lead to a life of bondage, brokenness and shame. Nevertheless the presence of grace reveals the freedom, restoration and truth of life.
More Grace is about the inward redemption and restoration of God's Bride– the church. This
book exposes the fragility, inadequacies and insecurities of all people. It also calls us to a greater level of representing of God's grace, mercy and forgiveness toward others.
The Truth Will Make You Free! Take Hold Of It!