Montessori at Home or School: How to Teach Grace and Courtesy is a bit like "Montessori meets Miss Manners." In Montessori, grace and courtesy is seen as an important part of a child’s education and an important part of meeting a child’s inner needs. The Montessori method provides a framework that can effectively be used with one child or a group of children.
Part I talks about grace and courtesy for preschoolers and elementary-age children. Suggestions are given to help parents and teachers feel comfortable teaching grace and courtesy. Part II gives rules of etiquette in many situations for preschoolers through age 12.
Sections include "Using the Montessori Method to Teach Grace and Courtesy," "Why Use the Montessori Method?" "The Preschool Child," "The Elementary-Age Child," "Introductions," "Greetings and Farewells," "Conversations," "Saying 'Please,' 'Thank You,' and 'You're Welcome,'" "Saying 'Excuse Me' and ‘I'm Sorry,'" "Coping with Problems in Public," "Bathroom Manners," "Cleaning up after Yourself," "Having Friends Visit," “Being a Guest at Someone's House," "Table Manners," "Telephone Manners," "Letter Writing," "Games and Sports," and "Showing Respect."