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Book details
  • SubGenre:Parenting / Motherhood
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Mommy Journal
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:44
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667835648

Mommy Journal

Volume 1 - The First Year

by Vickie A. H. Barley

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The motherhood journey is rife with all types of educational and emotional experiences along the way--from the feelings you have when your child first says Mama to the lessons learned when you try to potty train them. The "Mommy Journal" is one where you are encouraged to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as you journey through motherhood. Even if your children are grown and gone, reflect back on your journey and document the precious wealth of knowledge you have to share. In time, perhaps you'll be able to pass an invaluable collection of tips to your children, grandchildren, and others you hold dear. Tips and experiences the author has gained through the years have purposefully been placed on the sidelines to encourage you along the way.
The motherhood journey is rife with all types of educational and emotional experiences along the way--from the feelings you have when your child first says Mama to the lessons learned when you try to potty train them. The "Mommy Journal" is one where you are encouraged to record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences as you journey through motherhood. Even if your children are grown and gone, reflect back on your journey and document the precious wealth of knowledge you have to share. In time, perhaps you'll be able to pass an invaluable collection of tips to your children, grandchildren, and others you hold dear. Tips and experiences the author has gained through the years have purposefully been placed on the sidelines to encourage you along the way.
About the author
Vickie Barley is a wife, mother of four boys, and journaling enthusiast. After over a decade of mothering, she continues to chronicle her way through the ups and downs of motherhood. Vickie is married to her college sweetheart, homeschools their boys, and sings for the glory of God. She counts it as both an honor and a joy to be on this motherhood journey and hopes that what she has learned along the way will help someone else.