A groundbreaking first publication by Canadian osteopath Scott Sternthal, D.O., Melting Bone, Healing Tide teaches us how to reanimate inertial bone tissue through therapeutic touch. This fascinating book introduces a simple and effective treatment approach called Biodynamic Skeletal Therapy (BST). BST integrates the wisdom of both craniosacral biodynamics and manual therapy into the same maneuvers and can be applied anywhere throughout the skeleton. The fundamentals of BST emerged from the author's unwavering belief in the indwelling therapeutics of the human body and in the profound intelligence of the natural world. These ideas have the potential to lead us into exciting, uncharted levels of therapeutic dialogue, and to help make other bodywork modalities even more effective. Melting Bone, Healing Tide outlines, in accessible yet descriptive terms, the evaluation and treatment protocols of BST, including an efficient way to evaluate the skeleton, called Touch-testing, as well as a clear and comprehensive 6-step treatment plan. BST can be practiced by all bodyworkers, including massage therapists, physiotherapists, athletic therapists, craniosacral therapists, osteopaths, and chiropractors.