About the author
Christine Sanni has learned to pursue all of her passions. She is an award winning Leader, Author of her new book: Meet Me At The Table Where Greatness and Impact Collide, Co-Founder and CEO of ConservGeo, a Global Greatness Coach, and has been featured on FOX, CBS, ABC, MEDIUM and other news outlets highlighting her approach to scaling companies that focus on creating global impact. Prior to founding ConservGeo, Christine Sanni served on advisory boards sitting subject matter expert for customer focused initiatives and continues to serve organizations in this capacity. For over a decade, her love for technology and how it can be leveraged to scale and grow companies has provided her a platform to consult across a diverse portfolio of market segments providing growth driven strategy to thousands of entrepreneurs and executives nationwide. As a wife, mother, and leader in her community, Christine is relentlessly committed to creating change and inspiring others to greatness.