Finally, a guide book arrives to assist us in these tumultuous times of upheaval, breakdown, and change! The author’s psychological perspective and the Tibetan’s (Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, aka Master DK) cosmic overview and expansive wisdom prepare us as we walk the razor’s edge to make a profound shift in consciousness. Within these pages we access the greater perspective of this time of collective transformation which empowers us to release victimhood, establish our bearings and orient to the rapidly approaching horizon of the new paradigm. The Tibetan’s teachings clarify, ease, catalyze, and reassure us on this mysterious journey. The reader is guided to harness today’s accelerated energies and ride the wave of transformation with confidence, optimism, strength, and faith. May this book inspire you, comfort you, challenge you, and bring us all closer together as we smile in recognition that indeed something wonderful is happening to every one of us!