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Book details
  • Genre:POETRY
  • SubGenre:Women Authors
  • Language:English
  • Pages:118
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350960679

Love Helps Find the Light

by Ahava Lior

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Collection of Poetry that shares some of the troubles that young women deal with. This Book was written to help heal and help the people that read it to see life with a brighter light.
Collection of Poetry that shares some of the troubles that young women deal with. This Book was written to help heal and help the people that read it to see life with a brighter light. The book takes you through Darkness and shows you that light conquers all.
About the author
Ahaha Lior Grew up in Michigan, as a young adult decided to group some of the writings that helped her get through some dark times in her life, some that others wouldn't share. She writes from the heart and with true grit. She witnessed a murder on her way to kindergarten. She was sexually assaulted in Middle School and Raped in High School. She was also a Nationally Award Winning Dancer. Through all the darkness, she found the light and her writings not only helped her, but will help those going through tough times as well.