About the author
Robert L. Docter, Ph.D. has been writing his entire life. He began his writing career in the back of Miss Schroder's third grade classroom in 1936, behind dividers in a make-shift closet where he was exiled for too much talking. He considered the closet his personal office, and decided to write a class newspaper. Eighty-five years later, he is still writing.
Bob is the founding editor of The Salvation Army New Frontier Publications and wrote more than 600 columns that encouraged and inspired his readers. His first two books, "A View from the Corner" and "Integrity: A Complete Life," are compilations of some of those columns.
Bob is currently a professor emeritus of educational psychology and counseling at California State University, Northridge, where he was admired and respected by students and colleagues. In 1969, he was elected to the Los Angeles Board of Education and served for eight years, both as a member and as its president during the difficult period of desegregation.
Of all his many successes, Bob is most proud of his family. He married his wife Diane in 1953 and has six children, fifteen grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.
Bob began this book over thirty years ago. At the age of 93, he finished it.