The extraordinary story of a woman who travels to Sedona, Arizona and finds she has entered a different dimension, one in which her power and influence soars to almost unimaginable heights. Lolita Firestone catches so-called Red Rock Fever, makes Sedona her home, and establishes the Center for Cosmic Consciousness, a gathering place for the community's spiritually and religiously motivated. Alas, when small groups of black men from African countries on the U.S. terrorism watchlist come to Sedona to attend the Cosmic Center's weekend workshops, the CIA takes notice and embeds one of his agents among the Cosmic Center faithful. Equally alarmed are Preacher Elias Gentry, pastor of the Baptist Church of the Holy Apocalypse, as well as city business leaders. As her influence grows, Lolita Firestone's life takes on a new direction when a private meeting is requested by Omar Moustafa, an international playboy known as the Casanova of Cairo. What's more, he is son of Egyptian president and dictator Osama Moustafa, who is hellbent on restoring Egypt's historic glory by reconstituting the Pharaonic system of government, and he proposes the first Pharaoh in 2,000 years will be none other than his son, Omar, who is wildly popular in Egypt and throughout the Arab world. Unbeknownst to the president, however, son Omar has already fallen under Lolita Firestone's spell and impregnated her with the future Pharaoh of Egypt. A love story ensues. The Egyptian people and the wider Middle East, initially enthusiastic about bringing back the Pharaohship, are inflamed when they discover Omar has had American sex and chosen a U.S. resident to become their queen. From the red rocks of Sedona to the pyramids of Cairo, Egypt, Lolita Firestone becomes the embodiment of feminine power and spirituality.