Have you ever marveled that Jesus's resurrected body bore the marks of His crucifixion? The disciple Thomas touched these scars, viewing them as proof that the crucified Messiah had been raised from the dead. Two thousand years later, the same scars remind us of three important truths:
First, our Messiah willingly died in our place to free us (Jew and Gentile) from our bondage to sin.
Second, our Messiah suffered in the flesh. He understands our physical and emotional pain.
Third, our Messiah redeems pain for His grand purposes. He changes marks of suffering into signs of salvation.
In Living with Scars: A Jew Who Knows Our Suffering, Dr. Douglas A. Jakubowski examines the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus through a distinctly Jewish lens. Each chapter reveals something unique about the biblical God's relationship to mankind, including our pain, as He reconciles His creatures to Himself. Along the way, Jakubowski relates his own family's tearful, painful, multigenerational suffering to the eternal hope and redemption that belong only to followers of Jesus, the suffering servant—crucified, risen, and coming again.
As the Messiah told his followers, "In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world" (John 16:33 English Standard Version). Living with Scars casts new light on the revelation that Jesus is making all things new—even our scars.