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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / Success
  • Language:English
  • Pages:168
  • eBook ISBN:9798218185367
  • Paperback ISBN:9798218174224

Living Totality

The Mindset Upgrade to Living a Life of Totality

by Asaf 'Ace' Mengelgrein

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Upgraded your phone lately? Okay... When was the last time you upgraded your mindset? Aha! It is safe to say that you are operating on outdated software. Is your mindset on point? Are you feeling complete? Is something not quite where it feels it needs to be? If you are being honest with yourself, then the answers are telling you that there is something more. And there is! Living Totality is the mindset upgrade to living a life of totality. It is the blueprint for successful living and it achieves this by breaking down its three tenets of Awareness, Action & Accountability, because everything about you moves through these three phases of being. Are you ready to upgrade your mindset and level up? I can only show you the door, you must walk through it.
Why is Living Totality important? It solves peoples' challenges in moving onward and upward in life. If you are here now reading this, then something brought you here. Nothing is by chance. Just because you cannot see all the moving parts does not mean they do not exist and are moving in your favor. You know this to be true, you just have to ask deep within yourself and let your inner voice speak. Call it intuition if you like, and know that your intuition will never purposefully deceive you. How does Living Totality achieve this mindset upgrade? By teaching a new way of thinking, acting, and reacting. It is a revision of mindset to experience life in a different light, a light that has always been there, only blocked out by the curtains that conceal the light. You already know that greatness is all around you, it has simply been obscured by all the noise created by you and the programming instilled within you. Enough is enough, no? How does Living Totality work? By inspiring your motivation with the knowledge to take positive action in your life. Never walk behind an empty cart because nothing will fall from it. This book is a wealth of knowledge that serves as fuel to drive you onward and upward in your life. Contained herein are stories, facts and knowledge that have been passed on over a many millennia. Nothing is new, it is just repackaged in new ways that are relevant and engaging today. What makes this book different? You are the difference! Great wisdom has been around since the dawn of mankind. Living Totality is a level-headed approach to becoming the best version of yourself. The door to greatness will be presented and you have to decide to go through it. Awareness has been delivered, now it is time for action, provided you are ready to be accountable. So then, ready to level up?
About the author
Commanding attention, both serious and funny, and always educating... Ace can perfectly engage an audience, taking them on a rich journey from start to ending on a higher note. Personal growth & development is rooted in Ace's messages of Living Totality, a blueprint for successful living. Charitable work means speaking to broad audiences in ways of self-betterment, a continual journey. Asaf 'Ace' Mengelgrein is a father, son, and brother. In his professional life, real estate development and management has allowed him the luxury to pursue his passion of speaking and enlightening others in becoming better versions of themselves. Having served as President of a finance company, the Toastmasters and a Lions International club, Ace is perfectly suited to engaging audiences and leading both teams and individuals toward personal goals.