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Book details
  • SubGenre:Parenting / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:196
  • Paperback ISBN:9781667875255

Little Hands and Big Hands

Children and Adults Signing Together

by Kathy MacMillan

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This authoritative guide helps caregivers, teachers, and librarians to support early literacy through signing with children up to age six. Each of the eight chapters contain a variety of activities featuring American Sign Language, such as games, fingerplays, songs, and crafts, which help children develop language learning, improve communication and self-expression, and raise their self-esteem. Illustrations of the relevant signs are prominently featured throughout the book, and the activities have all been tested in the author's own "Little Hands Signing" classes since 2006. The practical guidance is perfect for adults new to signing as well as those familiar with ASL and wanting ideas to enhance learning and communication with babies and young children.
Research shows that signing with young children can reduce frustration for both parent and child, increase IQ, stimulate language learning, enhance bonding, and raise a child's self-esteem. All those reasons are great, but the best reason to start signing with your child is that signing with babies, toddlers, and young children improves everyday life and communication. A child who can express him or herself with the aid of signs is far less likely to get frustrated and throw tantrums, and can initiate conversations about topics that interest them, which leads to adults talking more about those topics, which leads to a motivated and interested child absorbing more spoken language, which helps develop spoken language skills. Signing with children naturally complements other language and literacy activities such as books, fingerplays, rhymes, and songs. Little Hands and Big Hands offers solid background information on signing with children ages birth to six, along with hands-on games, fingerplays, songs, and more that parents can use throughout the day to smooth transitions, calm a fussy child, or engage a stubborn one. Each activity is accompanied by photos of the relevant signs. Even better: the book features American Sign Language, which, as a real language, stimulates children's language development in a way that made-up gestures can't. Author Kathy MacMillan is a nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter and has been sharing the joys of signing for years through her "Little Hands Signing" programs for children and families.
About the author
Kathy MacMillan (she/her) is a writer, nationally certified American Sign Language interpreter, librarian, and signing storyteller. She writes picture books (including The Runaway Shirt and the Little Hands Signing series from Familius Press), children's nonfiction (including She Spoke: 14 Women Who Raised Their Voices and Changed the World from Familius Press), and middle grade and young adult fiction (including the Sword and Verse duology from HarperTeen). She has also published eight resource books for educators, librarians, and parents, including five volumes in the bestselling Storytime Magic series from ALA Editions. She has worked in school and public libraries for over 25 years. Kathy has presented American Sign Language programs and trainings for thousands of families and library staff members around the country. She also serves on the board of Deaf Camps, Inc. She holds a Master of Library Science degree from the University of Maryland and a Certificate of American Sign Language Interpreting from the Community College of Baltimore County. She lives in Baltimore, MD. Find her online at KathyMacMillan.com or on Twitter and Instagram at @kathys_quill.