About the author
Allan Larson is a retired exploration geologist. He was born in Pennsylvania to a Swedish immigrant father and a registered nurse mother who encouraged the continuing educations that they never had. Ultimately Allan earned a Doctorate in Geology and Paleontology from the University of California at Los Angeles.
Allan married Janet Bloore while they were both at UCLA. They graduated on the same day and within a week were headed to a new job in Denver, Colorado. The early part of his career was spent with a large oil company and ended when the next step up the corporate ladder was a more to Chicago. Staying in Colorado seemed a better choice then and he never left.
Three children were born, raised and still reside in Colorado. The family was shattered in 2008 with the early passing of Janet, after an agonizing battle with cancer.
For nearly 30 years he ran the consulting exploration firm which he founded, Larson Petroleum LLC. The firm was small, but effective. Much time was spent on field studies and drilling well sites; a dog and fishing gear usually went along. Nearly from its inception, the firm generated the resources or excuses that allowed him to travel much of the world fishing, hunting, birding and photographing wildlife and wild places. Larson Fine Imaging, a wildlife photography business, was founded with his son, Douglas, in 2007. Although limited financial success accompanied this venture, it took the Larsons to exotic locales: India for tigers, Mongolia for tiamen and Bactrian camels, Mozambique for plains game, Botswana for cape buffalo and lions and on and on.
The fish, birds, and animal focus continues to guide travel plans with an upcoming trip to Africa and two Brazil fishing trips on the books.
He still lives in Colorado with his wife Jeanne, near their children and grandchildren.
Jeanne is particularly fond of Africa and travels most years with Allan to south and east African parks and reserves. They are both enthusiastic photographers and birders and take any excuse to fish. Significant time and resources are dedicated to worldwide conservation causes.