Change falls in five parts (like a five-pointed star).
Part 1 deals with “Wiki-World” and the rule of Free People.
Part 2 deals with the beginning to give you the end, for as Yeshua bar Yosef (Jesus) said when the disciples asked him about the end: Have you already discovered the beginning that you are now asking about the end? For where the beginning is, there the end will be too: Blessed is he who stands at the beginning for he will know the end, and he shall not taste death.
Part 3 deals with the nature of “Free People”.
Part 4 deals with the ways to become un-free (so that you may now the pits and not fall into them).
Part 5 continues the tale from Part 5 and ends in the question of whether humanity actually wants its freedom in practice - might we, at the end of the day, not prefer to die in slavery?