About the author
I have always loved the lawncare business, and I love sharing to people how to start a company mowing lawns and be successful. Before I started Lawncare, I have always worked for Tyota Manufacturing. This is where I learned how to be efficient and effective with my daily activities, and then apply this knowledge and mindset to my business. Lawncare started out as a side hustle at first but then I loved it. I was new at this, so I had lots to learn. The one thing i did figure out quickly was, Time was a big factor, and I had tons of Muda, and waste that i was doing every day. In order to compete with other businesses, I needed to get better at fixing that. It's not been easy but nothing ever is at first. With 23 years of experience Now, I want to share how i do it and the benefits from using a TPS Mindset.