Life is full of promise when we’re young. We are the lambs that go through the seasons of life, from that early sunny spring until we have to face the icy winds of winter. That winter for Tony, his wife Katherine, and best friend Richard arrives just as the world is going through the greatest financial crisis since the 1920’s. Failed markets and troubled relationships greet retirement for the everyday heros of this play.
“I mean, I thought I had this pile of investments worth all this money and now it’s mostly gone. I thought I had a wife, till death do us part, and now I find she has been screwing some guy, for God knows how many years…and then coming home and crawling into bed with me...and pretending that she is the loving wifey,” is how winter arrives for Tony.
‘Lambs In Winter’ will make you laugh, even as you see yourself reflected in the lives of one, or the other, of the characters. Lambs In Winter is a full length play, in three acts, and involving only five principle actors.