About the author
Greetings, a little bit about me. Born and raised in Illinois. My schooling was public school then a trade school. My working career began at twelve years old, which continued to age sixty-five. About the only interruption in my time working was four years in the Air Force. I have had a variety of jobs mainly in welding and fabrication. At the end of my days working I managed a warehouse as well as being their mechanic. My home has always been in towns along the Mississippi River of north west Illinois. My writing started near thirty years ago. When I was between jobs. After attending a writers meeting I put my writing away. I didn't fit in. My dad and mom moved to Arizona. I would vacation there in the winter. Dad past away so I would travel to their home to help mom. It was on their patio I started writing again, mainly short stories. Finding a local writers group at home worked out for the best. With some help and encouragement I finished this book and have started on others. Thank you. Stephen P. Bennett