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Kitty Crime Scenes
by Jessica Childs


A novelty coffee table book for the lover of cats and true crime, KCS is a collection of photos of our twisted, sleeping furbabies designed to mimic crime scene photos. Each photo is accompanied by a comedic cause of death and police report.
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Ever catch your cat sleeping in a position that cannot POSSIBLY be comfortable unless they've met their untimely demise? We all have. Kitty Crime Scenes started as an Instagram project in 2015, when author Jessica Childs started captioning the photos of her cat sleeping in weird positions with a cat-related "cause of death." Blending her love of True Crime and kitties of all shapes and sizes, she decided to take the Instagram project to the next level. And with the help of hundreds of photos submissions, Kitty Crime Scenes was born. Because of the overwhelming response from cat lovers around the world, Jessica plans on expanding this into a series. 

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About the author

Jessica is an award-winning writer, filmmaker and comedian, based out of Chicago. There, she attended The Second City, and currently writes and performs with the movie riffing troupe Down In Front.
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Book details


Subgenre:Topic / Animals



Paperback ISBN:9781098304041


A novelty coffee table book for the lover of cats and true crime, KCS is a collection of photos of our twisted, sleeping furbabies designed to mimic crime scene photos. Each photo is accompanied by a comedic cause of death and police report.

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Ever catch your cat sleeping in a position that cannot POSSIBLY be comfortable unless they've met their untimely demise? We all have. Kitty Crime Scenes started as an Instagram project in 2015, when author Jessica Childs started captioning the photos of her cat sleeping in weird positions with a cat-related "cause of death." Blending her love of True Crime and kitties of all shapes and sizes, she decided to take the Instagram project to the next level. And with the help of hundreds of photos submissions, Kitty Crime Scenes was born. Because of the overwhelming response from cat lovers around the world, Jessica plans on expanding this into a series. 

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About the author

Jessica is an award-winning writer, filmmaker and comedian, based out of Chicago. There, she attended The Second City, and currently writes and performs with the movie riffing troupe Down In Front.
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