Keiki Mantras is the longstanding, heartfelt desire of Rosa McAllister, Co-founder & Organizational Advisor of Networks for Training and Development to honor the sweet funny utterances of her son and grandchildren… and then some added gems from friends. Along the way, Rosa also collected amazing art work from these loved ones and surprised them by adding them in as most of the illustrations. This book is a product of love, crafted during the Covid epidemic as Tutu Rosa provided virtual school for grandluvs, Ethan and Olivia. Together they schemed up this book.
For all those Moms, Dads, Aunties, Uncles, Grandmas, Grandpas, & friends out there who have laughed, awwwwwed, & said "I have to write that one down," we offer a collection of sayings, creations, and insights from our littlest lights!!